Hazardous Surf Warning
State: QLDHazardous Surf Warning for Gold Coast Waters: Cape Moreton to Point Danger for 18 January
SeverityModerateEffectiveJan 17, 2025, 4:33 PM UTCExpiresJan 18, 2025, 2:00 PM UTCUrgencyUnknownAreaQueensland: Gold Coast WatersSurf Life Saving Queensland advise that:
People should consider staying out of the water and avoid walking near surf-exposed areas.
Rock fishers should avoid coastal rock platforms exposed to the ocean and seek a safe location that is sheltered from the surf.
Boaters planning to cross shallow water and ocean bars should consider changing or delaying their voyage.
Boaters already on the water should carry the appropriate safety equipment and wear a lifejacket.
Boaters should remember to log on with their local radio base and consider their safety management plan.Hazardous Surf Warning for Gold Coast Waters: Cape Moreton to Point Danger for 19 January
SeverityModerateUrgencyUnknownAreaQueensland: Gold Coast WatersSurf Life Saving Queensland advise that:
People should consider staying out of the water and avoid walking near surf-exposed areas.
Rock fishers should avoid coastal rock platforms exposed to the ocean and seek a safe location that is sheltered from the surf.
Boaters planning to cross shallow water and ocean bars should consider changing or delaying their voyage.
Boaters already on the water should carry the appropriate safety equipment and wear a lifejacket.
Boaters should remember to log on with their local radio base and consider their safety management plan.
Weather warnings provided by Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) and Australian State Emergency Services (SES).