Current UVUV Index right now: 0.1Decreasing

Current UV radiation rating

Max UVMax UV Index today: 13.5 (Extreme)

Maximum level of ultraviolet radiation index today

Max UVMax UV Index tomorrow: 13.6 (Extreme)

Maximum UV Index in the middle of the day tomorrow

UV Index chart for Newell today

Warnings Warnings

UV Rating in Newell is expected to reach dangerous levels today. Sun protection is strongly recommended between 9 am and 4 pm when the UV strength level is 3 and above. Take precautions to safeguard your skin from harmful UV radiation during peak hours.

The UV Index serves as a crucial factor in determining the sunburn index, as it measures the intensity of UV rays emitted by the sun.

Learn more about UV Radiation

How long can I stay under the sun?

Hourly UV Forecast

12 – 6 AMNo UV Rating
7 AMLow: 0.3
8 AMLow: 1.6
9 AMModerate: 4.3
10 AMHigh: 7.8
11 AMExtreme: 11.2
12 PMExtreme: 13.2
1 PMExtreme: 13.3
2 PMExtreme: 11.4
3 PMVery High: 8.2
4 PMModerate: 4.6
5 PMLow: 1.8
6 PMLow: 0.4
7 – 11 PMNo UV Rating

UV Index Legend

Now0-2 Low

No protection needed. UV radiation is minimal, but sensitive skin types should still take caution.

3-5 Moderate

Wear a hat and sunglasses, use sunscreen. Warnings apply for extended radiation exposure.

6-7 High

Seek shade during midday hours, wear protective clothing. Skin protection is essential.

8-10 Very High

Minimize sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Watch for warnings during peak UV observations.

11+ Extreme

Take all precautions. Skin protection and avoiding direct exposure to radiation is critical.

Forecast issued on Wednesday, January 29 at 2:00 PM Coordinated Universal Time.

The next weather forecast will be issued at Thursday 2:00 PM.

Annual ultraviolet radiation levels for Newell

Newell UV radiation forecast data is sourced from ARPANSA and NASA NEO. All times are in the location's time zone, Australia/Brisbane.